Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happiness Here

It's not like one day I just woke up and knew
how to be me. 

It's like this:
It happens a little more everyday 
This becoming me, becoming real.

It happened slowly and painfully
I had to try on all these masks.
I pretended and acted and tried to figure out if any of them fit
with every word and movement they hurt me
they tore at my flesh
they dug at my face 
they ate away at my body.

Until one day I tried going without the mask
I tried to live without the act
Little by little I was able to live with all that was me
and then I forgot the masks I'd once worn 
and the acts that unfold are now truly my own
I script my own life

Yet it goes with out saying, that all of those masks 
became part of my past
and they left little scars
that remind me "Who you are" 
defines nothing 
throw down the mask 
build your own world and someday you'll know.

it'll happen real slow and builds in your soul
and soon enough dear 
you'll find happiness here

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