Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Always Write Introductions Last.

The first post. What am I even supposed to write here? What part of me do I share? What comes first? Introductions, of course, introductions always come first! 

So, my name is Rosario Peralta. 

I'm a sophomore at Western Oregon University (WOU). I have this fickle relationship with the Spanish language (although, deep down I love Spanish more than breathing), and I think I want to be a Spanish teacher. I am a Peer Mentor and help put on Health Education programs for the campus. I love being busy and having a full schedule; there is nothing better than the sight of an  overflowing planner. I also work at the Writing Center on campus and seriously have the BEST job I could ever have asked for. 

When I'm not trying to do 20 things at once, you'll find me curled up somewhere reading. I have never not finished a book. Even if I hate it, I will finish it. I've also come to realize that I am an interactive TV watcher. I will yell, cry, throw things, and just respond to my television. I also tend to find all the wrong parts funny and talk through every movie. I wish I didn't love television so much but I do. 

There's a million other tiny things I could say to help you get to know me better, but I don't know what this blog will become yet. Hopefully, I'll be able to  fill it with my words. That's all I want, somewhere to put my words.