Sunday, September 30, 2012

In Response to My "Little"

This year, at the Writing Center, we have the amazing opportunity to be paired up with one freshmen and be their "big" buddy. In this way, we are able to connect with freshmen and show them that Western is here for them and that the resources we have are accessible. 
I am SO excited for this! I am sending my "little" a link to this so she gets to read all about how awesome I think she is! 

My "little" is H. There are 2 girls in her class named Hannah so she goes by H. She is the sweetest girl ever, and I am so excited to get to know her. For the class, they had to describe what they thought having a mentor would be like. As I read her blog entry, I knew I had to live up to what she had described. I can't wait to get to know her as a friend and fellow WOU student. She is so fun and inspiring, and I know I will learn so much from her! 

(Can't wait to get to know you Hannah!)

Ponderings and New Found Inspiration

Lately, I have found that a lot of the people I know are starting and updating their blogs. At first, this makes me incredibly jealous because I have a blog, but every time that I mention it, I find myself adding the disclaimer "Oh, but I never update it so don't read it!" What a disservice I am doing myself! And yet, that simple phrase, "don't read it" describes my relationship with my blog all too well.
One of the many reasons I don't update this is because I am a perfectionist. The idea of quickly jotting something down and sending it out into the cold dark world of the interwebz is something that I find neither appealing nor easy to do. Not to mention, that as much as I like to pretend I am an open book, it's kind of scary sharing your life with even one follower. But, I have a blog and this day in age, I believe that to be a tool. So, I've decided that I will try my very hardest to actually update it. Every once and again, I'll venture into the white and orange world of blogger and commit to these pages whatever it is you're supposed to share with the world. Here goes nothing...